Entries by Heller Orthodontics

3 Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Experts recommend bringing your child to the orthodontist for an evaluation and checkup by the time they turn seven. Getting orthodontic care as soon as possible can help your child develop straight, healthy teeth. If you have a young child who is old enough to see the orthodontist in Laurel, MD, and Bethesda, MD, here’s what […]

Protect Your Oral Health During Braces Treatment

If you wear braces, you probably dream of the day when you have your orthodontic appointment to have the braces removed. Finally, you’ll have beautiful teeth that will make you feel great about smiling! Orthodontic treatment can take up to two years—and sometimes more! That’s a long time to wait for a reveal! But what […]

4 Great Reasons to Get Adult Orthodontics

Many people get braces when they’re teenagers, but that doesn’t mean that adults can’t get braces. If you didn’t get braces in your teen years but still think you could benefit from them now, your orthodontist in Bethesda and Laurel, MD can help. The professionals at Heller Orthodontics help adults get the orthodontic care they need to […]

What is Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment?

Most people think of teenagers when they hear that someone is about to start orthodontic treatment because this was the primary age group that received braces in years past. However, the dental world has changed a lot in the past several years. Today, younger children may be good candidates foraccelerated orthodontic treatment in Bethesda MD and […]

 3 Benefits of the Itero Scanner

The iTero Scanner is an entire digital system that’s used to help dentists fit patients for Invisalign. While it’s certainly not the only methodology, it’s a popular option for orthodontists in Bethesda for a few key reasons. We’ll look at the benefits of this state-of-the-art technology and why you might consider it for yourself or a loved […]

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Braces

Your braces don’t require much maintenance, but it’s still important to take care of them. Your orthodontist in Bethesda and Laurel, MD, will give you tips for maintaining your braces once they’re installed. You should also perform the small tasks below to ensure that your braces will be as effective as possible and that your teeth […]