3 Benefits of the Itero Scanner

The iTero Scanner is an entire digital system that’s used to help dentists fit patients for Invisalign. While it’s certainly not the only methodology, it’s a popular option for orthodontists in Bethesda for a few key reasons. We’ll look at the benefits of this state-of-the-art technology and why you might consider it for yourself or a loved one.

1. It’s More Efficient

The iTero Scanner takes 3D impressions of the mouth, making the images and results alike more accurate. Past versions of intraoral scanners couldn’t take comprehensive pictures of the patient’s teeth and jaw, forcing dental staff to piece together their treatment plans instead of seeing the big picture right off the bat.

2. It’s Less Messy

If an orthodontist wanted the best fit for a clear aligner in the past, they might use clay to take the most accurate impression. This patient would need to wait for it to harden, experiencing discomfort as the orthodontist applied, set, and removed the messy material. With the iTero Scanner, patients don’t have to worry about gagging, and the orthodontist doesn’t have to worry about the accuracy of their impressions.

3. You Can See What You’ll Look Like

Clear aligners are often chosen because they’re more attractive than traditional braces. With the iTero Scanner, you can take your dreams a step further with realistic projections of your future reflection. So, if you’re on the fence about taking the plunge, an iTero Scanner can give you all the data you need to make up your mind.

Invisalign in Bethesda, MD

If you’re looking for Invisalign in Bethesda, you might want to know that the staff at Heller Orthodontics takes your comfort personally. We’ve invested in technology to make your life easier, so you have the best possible experience.

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